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Celebrating 40 Years!


Here are Four Ways:

Donation - No check writing and no stamps. You can set up a monthly donation online or call 314-385-8088 and you will be all set.   


Join the Club - You can join the "Champion for Girls" flagship giving society. Its members demonstrate a passion and dedication to inspiring girls to be strong, smart, and bold with an annual minimum contribution of $1,000.    



Lasting Impact - No matter the amount, monthly donations can make more of an impact than a one-time donation.


It's Rewarding - You can feel good knowing your monthly gifts go to work immediately, making a difference in the lives of our girls.

Become a 40th Anniversary Donor

  • Monthly Donation

    Every month
  • Monthly Donation

    Every month
  • Monthly Donation

    Every month
  • Monthly Donation

    Every month
  • Monthly Donation

    Every month
  • Lasting Impact

    Every year
  • Champion for Girls

    one time donation
    Valid for one month
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